
Don+Monet | Onsite/SDE

A FRAMED-UP PRODUCTION | http://www.facebook.com/fuproduction | Photographers: Peter Allarey, Mot Rasay, Argie Aragon and Cigh Dione | Videographers: Reb Gendrano, Mark Fernandez, Thotie Katigbak, and Bong Fernandez | Video Editor: Bong Fernandez | Production Assistant: Nikko Limin

Performed by OneRepublic

Conchita Garden Resort, San Fernando, Pampanga - Their love story started online. Who says its impossible? Well Don and Monet will be a good example of an online love affair that led to tying the knot. It really was a fun event to see a lot of their friends and family share how wonderful the couple is. :)

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