
Mike+Nouelle | Onsite/SDE

A FRAMED-UP PRODUCTION | http://www.facebook.com/fuproduction | Photographers: Peter Allarey and Mot Rasay | Videographers: Reb Gendrano, Thotie Katigbak, Bong Fernandez, and Darwin Sanchez | Onsite Editor: Pearly Allarey | Online Editor: Bong Fernandez | Production Assistants: Ray Paderon and Darwin Sanchez

CCF Alabang / B Hotel Alabang - It was raining like cats and dogs during Mike and Nouelle's wedding. For them its a blessing from God and they were right. Despite the bad weather these lovebirds, with the help of their friends and family, were able to pull off one of the most intimate wedding we covered. Their love story was very inspirational. God became their light and sunshine all through out the event :)

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