
Dominic & Vinnette | On-site Wedding Video

This is my first on-site wedding video and I have to admit its not that easy. I had two videographers in the team who gave their very best to document the wedding - Reb Execute from Emic Works Philippines and Ray. I was with Sasha (Sony XR520E) all the time.

It was a very exciting and yet crucial experience wherein I have to shoot, transfer, and edit, all at the same time. I was able to deliver the video on time and they all got bonged!

I would like to personally thank Mr. Glenn Maningas of MPW; Peter Allarey, Reb Execute, and RayRocx. Without them, this wouldn't all be possible.


Anonymous said...

hi bong! i'm in search of wedding videographers and i stumbled in this site. all i can say with the onsite video above is WOW!!! very beautiful, everything was perfectly captured! very candid and sooooo natural! and the color saturation is just wowwwww! you've got talent =)


bongvideos said...

Hi DinDinF,

Thank you for that wonderful comment. I just try to compete with my old videos :)

Anonymous said...

keep it up... doing good and better each time