
Dominic & Vinnette Preparation | Wedding Video

Dom & Vinnette's Preparation | Wedding Video from bongvideos on Vimeo.

Videgraphers: Bong Fernandez of BongVideos Production | Reb Gendrano & RaeRocx of Emic Works Philippines | Special thanks to Peter Allarey of
PeterAllarey.com for the DVD cover photos.

A ten year relationship that made it through everything. Bonded by love, friendship, patience, and understanding; Dominic & Vinnette decided to tie the knot on the 16th of January 2010.

While I was taking some footage for their onsite or SDE video, Reb and Rae were busy taking great shots of what's happening during the event. I could describe it as a good team effort for all of us.

Previous posts: Dom & Vinnette's Engagement Video | Dom & Vinnette's Onsite Video
View this video post on YouTube. Click photo to see large image of DVD cover.

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1 comment:

Hazel Lim said...

i am a big fan sir bong! keep it up! i love your works!